Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Here are pictures from Easter (a little late) We needed to take some family photos for our adoption paper work and so we made both sides of the family do the dreaded self timer family photo.  Speaking of adoption paperwork there are about 60 pages on our kitchen table ready to be mailed to our agency. (yeah!) We've done our 1st out of 4 interviews for our homestudy.  We are getting there...
It was sweet this year teaching Caleb about why we celebrate Easter.  We read a book over and over about Easter and Caleb can tell you "jesus died and we were sad, but he didnt stay dead...he's alive!" And my favorite quote from Easter...After Caleb went to sunday school on Easter, he announced "mommy, Jesus died without his shirt on!"

the Rechtzigel's

and the Chandler crew

1 comment:

Kristen O'Kelley said...

Those are great photos! and when Colby has on that shirt and tie again, I'm going to come over and squeeze him! So cute! :)